NQF & Qualifications Certification

National Qualifications Framework (NQF) & Certification of Qualifications


National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

EOPPEP is the statutory body for the development and implementation of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework (NQF) in correspondence with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

Additionally, EOPPEP is the National Coordination Point for EQF in Greece (NCP).  

For further information on the Hellenic NQF, please visit: http://en.nqf.gov.gr/.


Certification of Qualifications

EOPPEP develops the regulatory framework for the certification of qualifications, i.e. the learning outcomes of non-formal education and informal learning, in response to labour market needs and priorities and in liaison with the accreditation of inputs, i.e. providers, trainers, occupational profiles and curricula standards.

EOPPEP's current fields of responsibility are the certification of the qualifications listed below and the licensing of awarding bodies, as follows: 

  • Development of a National System for the Certification of Qualifications

Designing and developing a national system for the certification of qualifications is EOPPEP’s principal policy priority in the field of lifelong learning (LLL), comprising the following key areas of responsibility:

  • Development of a model system for the accreditation of outputs and setting the respective legal framework. Designing a system for the recognition and certification of qualifications acquired via non-formal and informal learning and establishing the framework for licensing awarding bodies.
  • Inspection, monitoring and evaluation of awarding bodies.
  • Implementation of certification processes by EOPPEP.

The National System for the Certification of Qualifications aims at:

  • certifying those qualifications for which a state interest is attested and those which reinforce employment,
  • assuring the certified qualification corresponds to the specifications set in the respective accredited occupational profile and the accreditation/certification process is in compliance with set standards and criteria
  • providing equity and open access to qualifications, irrespective of the learning pathway and regardless of the way learning outcomes have been acquired.


Accreditation/Certification procedures:

  • Accreditation of Vocational Training & Certification of Vocational Training Institute (IEK) Graduates

The accreditation of vocational training and the certification of the vocational training institutes (IEK) graduates embeds a national accreditation exam procedure conducted at national and regional level and based on the vocational training exam regulation framework per speciality.           

EOPPEP organises at national level the accreditation examinations for IEK graduates of all specialities. Upon successful examination results, IEK graduates are awarded the Vocational Training Diploma recognised both in Greece and in EU member states (for lower secondary education graduates) or the Certificate Level I (for upper secondary education graduates).


  • Certification of the teaching qualification of Trainers for Adults of non-formal education

Trainers for adults are required to possess a teaching qualification awarded upon accreditation in order to fulfill eligibility conditions for public funded non-formal education programmes, pursuant to Law 3879, article 19.3 (GOG 163/A/21.09.2010) on “Development of Lifelong Learning”.  

Developing and implementing a comprehensive and innovative accreditation system for the teaching qualification of "Trainers for Adults of non-formal education", including the unification of registers in operation, responds to new social, economic and educational needs:

  • gearing the education system to learning outcomes,
  • linking education content to labour market & reinforcing social partners’ role in human resources development,
  • expanding trainers’ field of activity into initial & continuing vocational training as well as non-formal education, including adult education,
  • updating knowledge, skills and competencies of trainers for adults.


  • Certification of 'Private security personnel" in cooperation with the Centre for Security Studies (KEMEA).

EOPPEP is in close cooperation with KEMEA for the certification of "private security personnel".

In this direction, the new speciality for "Private security personnel" has been legislated (Government Official Gazette 1715/17-05-2012) and is addressed to compulsory education graduates (lower secondary education graduates) and entails a six-month vocational training programme attendance accompanied by the accreditation exam procedure for the certification award.

Additionally, the regulatory framework pertaining to the certification of professionals who do not possess a recognised occupational title  has been enacted (Government Official Gazette 2160/18-07-2012).


  • Accreditation of Awarding Bodies

EOPPEP currently accredits Awarding Bodies certifying computer skills upon legislated criteria and specifications. The accredited awarding bodies conduct the evaluation procedure in examination centres via an automated exam system and award the certificate for computer skills.

EOPPEP plans to develop a system for the accreditation of awarding bodies certifying knowledge & skills in additional areas of expertise.




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